Cafe Staff

Job DescriptionCafe sales and management
Recruitment periodOctober 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024
Number of applicants5 to 6 people
Suitability【Required conditions】
Must be in good health to perform the job

【The kind of person we are looking for】
A person who is sociable and has a cheerful personality
People who have a spirit of hospitality and a smile
People who love Hawaii
Employment TypeHourly / Monthly
SalaryFull-time employees: 300,000 yen/month + annual incentive (percentage based on previous year’s performance), annual salary increase (6,000-9,000 yen/month)
Part-time employees: From 1,200 yen per hour, annual salary increase (20-50 yen per hour)
Work LocationKanagawa, Yamato City (Japan)
Work hoursFull-time employee: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. (1 hour break)
Part-time: 9:00 – 17:00 (1 hour break)
Vacations120 days off per year: 2 days off per week (Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays; compensatory holidays may be taken when working), statutory paid vacations, GW, year-end and New Year vacations
TreatmentLabor insurance, social insurance, PC provided, qualification fee paid, full transportation expenses paid
Human Resource DevelopmentWe value the aloha spirit of Hawaii, so customer satisfaction is our first priority.
Therefore, we recognize that human resources are the assets of our business, and we spare no effort to develop them into professional staff.
We look forward to receiving applications from people who are committed to their work with conviction, and who are highly motivated and proactive in their personal growth!

Steps to Employment

  1. Apply by e-mail
    Please send us a brief introduction of yourself (no resume or CV required) via our contact form.
  2. Our reply
    After reviewing your message, a representative will reply to you by e-mail within 2 days.
  3. Interview and selection
    We will conduct an interview (by phone or in person) and a simple aptitude test.
  4. Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
    We will contact you by e-mail within one week after the interview.